New Technologies Affecting Post-Op Rehab

2023 FPTA approved for 9.5 CEU's : CE23-478524.

Cost: $169 

Course Description:

With today?s rapid development and introduction of new orthopedic implants, it is hard to keep up with these developments.This seminar will discuss new developments in orthopedic replacement techniques and how these procedures affect post-op rehab. Genderknee, reverse shoulder and Birmingham hip resurfacing and other new technologies will be discussed. Functional rehab and it?s effect on clinical outcomes will be discussed as well.

This class has been updated and now also includes discussion on Patient Specific Cutting Blocks, Navigation systems and the latest hip and knee technologies including Hip anteverted/retroverted systems and their affect on post-operative rehab.

Course outline: This course starts at 8:30

8:00-8:30       Registration. 
8:30-9:30        Objectives. Projected growth of elective orthopedic joint procedures and the affect this will have on                          our professions. 
9:30-11:30      Shoulder replacement surgeries 
11:30-12:30    Elbow replacement 
12:30-1:00      Lunch 
1:00-2:00        Hip replacement procedures, including THA, partial and Hip Resurfacing 
2:00-3:00        Knee replacement procedures, including TKA, PKA and synvisc injection 
3:00-4:00        Other important factors to consider , including Navigation, Custom Cutting Blocks, etc.
4:00-4:30        Importance of education and D/C planning 
4:30-5:00        Review and Q&A

Course Objectives for PT/OT: 
This course will give the PT/OT/PTA/COTA a better understanding of commonly used surgical techniques for orthopedic impairments including joint replacement surgeries and fracture management.This understanding will allow the PT/OT to be more specific and more effective when designing the PT/OT Plan of Care and give the PT/OT/PTA/COTA a great understanding and awareness of (joint) precaution that may be in place. Having this understanding will allow the clinician to reintroduce functional activities faster to help return the patient to reach their prior level of function. A prime example would be the specific precautions that are in place for the Reverse Shoulder Replacement. This is a new and upcoming procedure and PT's/OT?s/PTA's/COTA?s will see these patients in their practice. Understanding the surgical approach, the reversal of the shoulder mechanics, and relying on the deltoid muscle to stabilize the shoulder, will help the PT/OT/PTA/COTA attending this course to appreciate the different rehab approach for this type of patient. Furthermore, understanding the rationale behind different weight bearing statuses with the various lower extremities orthopedic procedures, will allow the PT/OT/PTA/COTA to better integrate a patient?s ambulatory status into their level of activities

To register scroll below or call/text 727-808-6663

2023 Schedule:
Attend in person or via Zoom

Date                                                                          Location

 November, 18, 2023

 FASTMD Trinity
2040 Short Avenue 
Odessa, FL, 33556

 LIVE in person or via ZOOM

LIVE in person or Zoom seminar.


For the 12 CEU option instead of the 9.5 CEU option, please pay here: $209 ----->